Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research Topic- The Evolution of Medicine

When I was told I had to pick a research topic I kind of panicked. I've written research papers before, but I think one of the hardest parts is choosing a topic to write about that's easy to find information on and write passionately about. I knew I wanted it to be about medicine because that's what my interest is in, being a pre-med/pre physical therapy major, however there's so many different directions I could go in with that. The possibilities were I decided to just start typing random aspects of medicine into the Google search bar and see what the Wide Web came up with.

A certain article really caught me eye. The title was "Modern Medicine?". In it the author, David A. Wise, explains that signs of modern medicine and hygiene were evident in the Bible and the books of Genesis. He gives examples such as Israelites being instructed to isolate the sick, burn used dressings, and even certain practices used on women after child-birth. All in all, health and sanitary procedures instilled at the mark of the beginning of modern medicine are very comparable to those of in the Pentateuch 4,000 years ago.

So my research question is this- Has the basis of medicine really evolved, or has it just been built upon over the past hundreds of years?
In my paper I will go into depth about the history of medicine and medical practices and compare it to  those of today.

Here's the link to the article I read and was referring to:

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